• Study manual (English)
  • L plate
  • Unlimited number of classes to prepare the Theoretical Exam for the B licence.
  • Personal password to access the latest English-language tests
  • Smartphone and Web apps for remote access to tests

  • 2 & 3 wheel vehicles & motor-powered quadricycles up to 3500 kg maximum allowed mass.
  • Vehicles which maximum allowed mass does not exceed 3500 kg & with a total of 9 seats including the drivers.
  • Combination of vehicles, vehicle and trailer (with restrictions)
  • Licences of more than 3 years allow A.1. motorcycle use.

  • Pass a Psychotechnic exam that certifies physical & mental capacities.
  • For foreigners, it is necessary to prove a minimum of 6 month residence in Spain or under Study visa.

  • Photocopy and current DNI, Passport or “Tarjeta de Residencia” (ID Card)
  • Psychotechnic report, provided by an official “Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores” for Driving Licence B.
  • Recent colour photograph, 32 x 26 mm.

On passing the Theoretical Exam for car licence B, there is a máximum limit of 2 years to do and pass the Driving Exam. On failing the Driving exam within 2 years, the PASS in the Theory exam is void.Toggle 4 Content Goes Here.

Driving licences that have been issued in any country of the European Community or those within the European Economic Zone (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are valid *permanently. A license issued in any other country is only valid in Spain for the period of six months maximum, counted from the first day that the license holder obtain residency in Spain. After this time, these licenses are not longer valid, and it will be necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license. However, Spain holds an agreement with the following countries that license holders are able to simply exchange their licenses after six months.

Countries that Spain holds an agreement with are: Algeria, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Morocco, Peru, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, El Salvador, Philippines, Guatemala, Tunisia, Panama, Nicaragua, Serbia, Andorra, Korea, Ukraine, Macedonia, Japan and Switzerland.

In conclusion: Non-EU licence holders, and those not from the countries listed above, after six months will have to sit a Spanish driving test to continue driving within Spain.
It will be necessary to undertake 2 tests:

  • A Theory test of 30 questions where a maximum of 3 mistakes is allowed. Test can be undertaken in Spanish, English, French and German. Examinations can be taken at Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Móstoles.
  • A Practical test of 25 minutes duration approximately. These will be held on the open highways of Móstoles.

* EU Driving licences are valid permanently only when: The licence holder has passed a psychophysical medical test in the periods established for the Spanish law, now days every 10 years until the holder reach 65 years old, and after 65 years old every 5 years, counting from the first day of his/her residency. If the candidate fails the psychophysical medical test the licence will no longer be valid. Expired EU Driving licences are no longer valid in Spain.

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